9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:00 Session 1. Widget Workshop: Visualizing Financial Data for Online Traders. Powered by LSEG data.
During this hands-on session, you will learn how to add dynamic, ready-made online platform widgets tailored for traders. The workshop will cover essential tools and techniques for visualizing real-time financial data, including live price feeds, interactive charts, technical indicators, and key financial information. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped to design and integrate powerful trading widgets (data & technology provide by LSEG) that enhance user experience and decision-making on trading platforms.
11:00 – 12:00 Session 2. Sentiment to Strategy: Crypto, FX, Stocks. AI Tools for Automated Video and Chat Integration.
During this session you will explore the cutting-edge intersection of sentiment data and AI automated video and chat tools, diving deep into the Crypto, FX, and Stock markets. This session will showcase how Market Psych sentiment data is built on Crypto, FX and Equities markets (with traction on US markets) and also AI-driven technologies for video creation and chat capabilities (with traction on Asian markets). We will showcase tools that can analyse market sentiment in real-time, transforming raw data into actionable insights. Automated video content and interactive chatbots will complement your online platform strategy to increase clients time spent & interactions with your platform.
12:00 – 12:20 Coffee break
12:20 – 13:20 Session 3. Panel discussion. The Future of Wealth: The changing role of financial advice
During this session, the panellists will discuss the evolution of the wealth industry and the impact of this evolution on advisors, investors, regulations, wealth firms, brokerages and other industry stakeholders.
13:20 Lunch and Networking